5 ways to make sure you’re always prepared to capture content on the road

24 November 2022
5 ways to make sure you’re always prepared to capture content on the road

Looking at how to start a travel vlog? You need to know how to always be prepared to capture content on the road. When traveling, things happen randomly and out of your control. In a split second, you can miss something because you weren’t ready to shoot or didn’t have the right piece of gear. As the old saying goes, failure to prepare is preparing to fail. With these 5 important tips, you can be sure to never miss a vital shot again.

Buy a flexible tripod

When traveling, full-sized tripods take up too much space, not to mention how heavy they can be. On top of this, there’s not always a great place to set it up (a time consuming process, by the way). When you’re on the road you need something that’s small, lightweight and flexible. Something like the is perfect. It’s small and light enough to travel and shoot with (ask Casey Neistat if you don’t believe us) and, most satisfying of all, the flexible legs mean you can set up your camera and get the shot just about anywhere. Versatility is key for must-have travel gear. Explore JOBY’s full flexible tripods assortment here .

Always have everything charged

This is a no brainer. Whenever you’re shooting your lifestyle vlog (or any video, for that matter), make sure you have everything charged – enough to last you a day or two. When you’re on the road, there’s a chance you may not be able to charge up overnight if you’re staying somewhere remote or don’t have access to power. Be prepared for these circumstances and plan accordingly. If it means having more batteries, bring more batteries – or the JOBY charger .

Two is one and one is none

Speaking of bringing spare batteries, there’s a handy saying when it comes to filmmaking. “Two is one and one is none” basically means that you should always be prepared for something to go wrong. When you’re on the road, you may lose something or break something and not having a spare or backup could ruin your trip – the difference between getting those sunset pictures and not. Wherever possible (and affordable), try to have a spare of everything so that you’re never left high and dry.

Always have your camera to hand

As mentioned at the start of this blog, things happen randomly and out of your control, often very quickly. You should always travel with your camera in your hand or clipped to your bag, ready to shoot at a moment's notice. The last thing you want is to miss a shot because you were too busy fumbling about trying to pull the camera out of your rucksack. Believe me, that sucks.

Reliable audio

Lastly, when it comes to being prepared for travel and lifestyle shoots, you should buy a microphone that’s never going to let you down. The last thing you want is to think you’ve got the shot, only to find that the audio is garbage because the mic wasn’t turned on or the wind is too noisy. Something like the JOBY Wavo PRO is a great purchase because of its reliability and the ANR (Active Noise Reduction) algorithm that removes self-generated structural noise in real time, ensuring you get the cleanest audio possible while shooting on the go.

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